Odebírat novinky
Místo konání - LETŇANY
PVA EXPO PRAHA Výstaviště Letňany

Application forms for year 2017 are available

It is possible already to apply up for the second edition of the international professional B2B tourism trade fair  and became an exhibitor. Czech Travel Market is an information, buying and selling opportunities for travel agencies, national central offices of the tourist industries , tour operators, hotels, service providers and other entities.

If you apply up to 31. 8. 2017  you will get the advantage price for table module for all entities and members of ACK CR and AČCKA . Also right now you can book for a workshop or presentation.

Complete application forms you can find on section For Exhibitors. If you have any questions, please contact :

Ilona Junusmetova

Foreign Trade Manager

T:  +420 225 291 185

M: +420 739 003 158

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